Fr Dave's Blog

Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Solemnity of Saints Peter & Paul – 30 June 2024


Mass Sheet we will be using in church:    SS Peter & Paul Mass Sheet 2024

Bidding Prayers:    Bidding Prayers (SS Peter & Paul) 2024

Reflection on the Readings:    prego-sts-peter-and-paul-2024



Some Funnies







God bless,
Fr Dave

Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) – 23 June 2024

sun 12b

Mass Sheet we will be using in church:    Mass Sheet (Sunday 12B) 2024

Bidding Prayers:    Bidding Prayers (12B) 2024

Reflection on the Readings:    prego-sunday-12-otb-2024


Refugee Week

Statement from Caritas Social Action Network:



Some Funnies

just speed up a bit






God bless,
Fr Dave

Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) – 16 June 2024


Mass Sheet we will be using in church:    Mass Sheet (Sunday 11B) 2024

Bidding Prayers:    Bidding Prayers (11B) 2024

Reflection on the Readings:    prego-sunday-11-otb-2024 (1)



Today is the annual ‘Day for Life’ – the day in the Church’s calendar when we celebrate the gift of life from conception to natural death.  The focus this year is on care at the end of life and the need to build a culture of care.  For more information and resources:

Day for Life – Catholic Bishops’ Conference (


Some Funnies







God bless,
Fr Dave

Tenth Week in Ordinary Time


The parish landline and internet connection went down on Thursday morning, 13 June.  To date (Saturday evening, 15 June), it has not been restored.  We are doing all we can to get reconnected.  Sincere apologies for the inconvenience.

Fr Dave


Tuesday 11 June 2024

be still and breathe


Monday 10 June 2024

“In our more reflective moments, and in our more desperate moments, we feel our need for prayer and try to go to that deep place. But, given our lack of trust and our lack of practice, we struggle to get there. We don’t know how to pray or how to sustain ourselves in prayer. But in this we are in good company, with Jesus’ disciples. And so a good beginning is to recognize what we need and where it is found. We need to begin with a plea: Lord teach us to pray!”

Fr Ron Rolheiser, OMI


10th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) – 9 June 2024


Mass Sheet we will be using in church:    Mass Sheet (Sunday 10B) 2024

Bidding Prayers:    Bidding Prayers (10B) 2024

Reflection on the Readings:    prego-plus-otb-10-2024


Some Funnies







God bless,
Fr Dave

Ninth Week in Ordinary Time

Thursday 6 June 2024

D-Day logo

Prayer on the 80th anniversary of D-Day

God our refuge and strength,
as we remember those
who faced danger and death in Normandy,
eighty years ago,
grant us courage to pursue what is right,
the will to work with others,
and strength to overcome tyranny and oppression,
through Jesus Christ,
to whom belong dominion and glory,
now and for ever.

(c) Church of England


Wednesday 5 June 2024


Image courtesy of The National WWII Museum

Prayer for D-Day Anniversary

On the eve of the eightieth anniversary of D-Day, let us pray.

Lord of the nations,
we honour the bravery and sacrifice of those who served.
Grant us similar courage to recognise and restrain evil in our own day,
and may those who lead the nations of the world
work together to defend human liberty,
that we may live peaceably one with another.
This we ask in the name of the Prince of Peace,
our Saviour Jesus Christ.

(c) Church of England


Tuesday 4 June 2024

nobody is perfect


Monday 3 June 2024

never lose hope


Solemnity of the Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ (B) – 2 June 2024


Mass Sheet we will be using in church:    Mass Sheet (Corpus Christi B) 2024

Bidding Prayers:    Bidding Prayers (Corpus Christi) 2024

Reflection on the Readings:    prego-corpus-christi-yr-b-2024


Parish Corpus Christ Procession

Today at 2.00 pm – beginning in St Mary’s Shrine and concluding at around 3.00 pm in St Alban’s.  All are welcome.


Some Funnies







God bless,
Fr Dave

Trinity Sunday

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity (B) – 26 May 2024


Mass Sheet we will be using in church:    Mass Sheet (Trinity B) 2024

Bidding Prayers:    Bidding Prayers (Trinity Sunday) 2024

Reflection on the Readings:    prego-trinity-sunday-year-b-2024

Add a subheading - 2

World Day for Children

Today is the Catholic Church’s first World Day for Children.  Pope Francis announced this special day last year.  The idea came from a nine-year-old boy, Alessandro, who wrote to Pope Francis with an idea to bring children together from different countries for a special event. Alessandro’s hope was that the children could get to know one another, play and pray together, and become friends.  Pope Francis has written a letter to children.  You will find it at the following link together with lots of resources to use at home:


Some Funnies





God bless,
Fr Dave

Pentecost Sunday

Pentecost Sunday (B) – 19 May 2024


Mass Sheet we will be using in church:    Mass Sheet (Pentecost) 2024

Bidding Prayers:    Bidding Prayers (Pentecost 2024)

Reflection on the Readings:    prego-pentecost-year-b-2024-2


Two Cathedrals Walk

A4 Pentecost Celebrations 2024


Some Funnies





God bless,
Fr Dave

Seventh Week of Easter

7th Sunday of Easter (B) – 12 May 2024



Mass Sheet we will be using in church:    Mass Sheet (Easter 7B) 2024

Bidding Prayers:    Bidding Prayers (Easter 7B) 2024

Reflection on the Readings:    prego-easter-7-year-b-2024


World Communications Day

For full details and resources:

World Communications Day – Catholic Bishops’ Conference (

O God,
whose word is truth
and in whose light we see light,
guide those who tell the story of our times through word and image.

Make them seekers after truth
and advocates of human dignity.
Grant discernment to all who rely on their labours,
and, as we confront the pain and promise of this world,
awaken in us a sense of wonder at your presence
and of longing for your peace.

Through Christ our Lord.


Some Funnies







God bless,
Fr Dave 

Sixth Week of Easter

Wednesday & Thursday, 8 & 9 May 2024



Mass Times

7.00 pm  Vigil Mass at St Oswald’s

9.15 am  School Mass in church at St Oswald’s
11.00 am  Mass at St Benedict’s
1.15 pm  Mass in St Benedict’s School

Mass Sheet we will be using in church:    Mass Sheet (Ascension Cycle B) 2024


6th Sunday of Easter (B) – 5 May 2024


Mass Sheet we will be using in church:    Mass Sheet (Easter 6B) 2024

Bidding Prayers:    Bidding Prayers (Easter 6B) 2024

Reflection on the Readings:    prego-easter-6-year-b-2024


Some Funnies







God bless,
Fr Dave 

Fifth Week of Easter

Thursday 2 May 2024 – St Athanasius

Please VOTE today

Ahead of today’s local elections, Cardinal Vincent Nichols encourages all to vote as ‘another way in which we exercise responsibility’ for the good of society:



Lord, we give thanks for the privileges and responsibilities of living in a democratic society.

Give us wisdom to play our part at election time,
that, through the exercise of each vote,
your Kingdom may come closer.

Protect us from the sins of despair and cynicism,
guard us against the idols of false utopias
and strengthen us to make politics a noble calling
that serves the common good of all.

We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord.

(Church of England)


Wednesday 1 May 2024 – St Joseph the Worker

Three special days today:


First, it’s the feast of St Joseph the Worker.  We pray for God’s blessing on our work.  We pray too for those who are searching for work, and for those who are unhappy in the work they have.


Secondly, on this day in 2018, the parishes of St Benedict’s, St Mary’s and St Oswald’s came together as one new parish under the patronage of the Warrington martyr, Blessed James Bell.

archbishop malcolm

Finally, on this day ten years ago, Archbishop Malcolm was installed as our new Archbishop.  Spare a prayer for him today and let’s give thanks to God for his love and care for the flock entrusted to him.


Tuesday 30 April 2024


Day of Prayer for Victims and Survivors of Abuse

Today, the Catholic Church in England & Wales is keeping a National Day of Prayer for those in our families and communities who carry within themselves the deep and traumatic wounds inflicted by abuse.

We’ve all been horrified by the accounts of abuse in the Church that have emerged in recent years and angered by the subsequent coverups.  Words fail us in the face of such evil perpetrated against children and those who are vulnerable.

The Church must be the one place that is safe for everyone.  That’s the responsibility of us all.  Today, we pledge again to make this a reality in our own parish, and to support those who’ve been hurt by members of the Church or members of their families or others.

since your mercy has been revealed
in the tenderness of your Son, Jesus Christ,
who said to his disciples:
“Let the little children come to me”,
we pray that your Church may be a secure home
where all are brought closer to your Beloved Son.
May all those who have been abused be respected
and accompanied by justice and reparation
so that they may be healed by the balm of your grace.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.

For more information, check out the Catholic Bishops Conference of England & Wales website which has a dedicated page for today:

Day of Prayer for Victims and Survivors of Abuse 2024 – Catholic Bishops’ Conference (

For local information, help and support, see the Safeguarding page on this website under ‘Information’ above.


5th Sunday of Easter (B) – 28 April 2024


Mass Sheet we will be using in church:    Mass Sheet (Easter 5B) 2024

Bidding Prayers:    Bidding Prayers (Easter 5B) 2024

Reflection on the Readings:    prego-easter-5-year-b-2024


Some Funnies







God bless,
Fr Dave 

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