First Week of Lent

Friday 3 March 2023

cafod lent fast

CAFOD’s Lent Fast Day

Today is CAFOD’s Lent Fast Day – one of two days in the year when we reach out to poorest of the poor in countries around the world.  You can find out more here:

Family Fast Day – Friday 3 March 2023 (


World Day of Prayer

Today is also World Day of Prayer – an ecumenical event sponsored by women from all the Christian denominations.  This year, St Oswald’s will host the local ecumenical service at 7.30 pm.  All are welcome.  For more information about the day:

2023 Theme and Country Taiwan – World Day Of Prayer (


Thursday 2 March 2023

Through Lent with Pope Francis

During Lent, we are called to respond to God’s gift by accepting his word, which is “living and active” (Heb 4:12). Regular listening to the Word of God makes us open and docile to his working and bears fruit in our lives.” (Twitter, 25 February 2023).

In response to Pope Francis’ invitation to listen to the Word of God, you may find the following helpful:

Reading John in Lent

On the weekdays of Lent, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference website is making available podcasts of St John’s Gospel – a short passage each day.  Clink on the link below to listen to the Gospel:

Reading John in Lent Archives – Catholic Bishops’ Conference (

Readings at Mass

The Jesuit website, ‘Pray as you go’, has a short meditation on one of the readings at Mass each day.  You can listen here:

Pray as you go – Pray as you go (

Here are two websites which provide the readings at Mass each day:

Daily Mass Readings – Alive Publishing

Universalis: Mass


Wednesday 1 March 2023 – Feast of St David, Patron of Wales

St David's Day

Happy Feast Day to the people of Wales!

In his last Sunday sermon, St David said: “Be joyful. Keep the faith. Do the little things that you have heard and seen me do.”  Today, that sentence has become a very well-known phrase in Welsh and an inspiration to many people.


Tuesday 28 February 2023

God loves you as you are


Monday 27 February 2023

Through Lent with Pope Francis

Francesca Ambrogetti and Sergio Rubin have published a new book in Argentina entitled ‘El Pastor’ (The Pastor) which analyses the pontificate of Pope Francis through interviews conducted with the Pope over the last ten years.

Politics is one of the central themes of the book. “Yes, I engage in politics”, the Pope replies, ‘because everyone must engage in politics. And what is politics? A way of life for the polis, for the city. What I do not do, nor should the Church do, is party politics. But the Gospel has a political dimension, which is to transform the social, even religious, mentality of people” so that it is directed to the common good.

Another important theme concerns the economy. Pope Francis reiterates that the beacon to follow is the Social Doctrine of the Church, that he is not condemning capitalism, but that it is necessary, as John Paul II indicated, to follow a “social market economy”. Today, he adds, finance prevails and wealth is less and less participatory. “What we can all agree is that the concentration of wealth and inequality have increased. And that there are many people starving.”

(Source: Vatican News)


1st Sunday of Lent (A) – 26 February 2023

lent 1

Mass sheet we will be using in church:    Mass Sheet (Lent 1A)

Bidding Prayers:    Bidding Prayers (Lent 1A)

Reflection on the Readings:    prego-lent-1-2023


Prayer for Turkey & Syria

We pray for the people of Turkey and Syria,
whose lives have been devastated by the earthquake.
Be present, O Lord, our Good Shepherd,
to bring comfort, relief, shelter and human kindness.
Shield the people who suffer,
console those who are bereaved,
prosper the provision of relief,
strengthen the work of emergency teams,
and shine your light and hope
in the midst of despair.
We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.

(Prayer from the Diocese of Europe)



Confirmation Poster 2023


CAFOD’s Prayer for Ukraine

cathedral ukraine

Loving God,
We pray for the people of Ukraine,
for all those suffering or afraid,
that you will be close to them and protect them.

We pray for world leaders,
for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices.

We pray for the world
that in this moment of crisis,
we may reach out in solidarity
to our brothers and sisters in need.

May we walk in your ways
so that peace and justice
become a reality for the people of Ukraine
and for all the world.



Some Funnies

tomatoes for sale


well there's no circle thingy


new business card


God bless,
Fr Dave

Seventh Week in Ordinary Time

Friday 24 February 2023

Through Lent with Pope Francis

“Let us remain close to the tormented Ukrainian people who continue to suffer, and ask ourselves: has everything possible been done to stop the war? I appeal to those in authority over nations to make concrete efforts to end the conflict, to reach a ceasefire and to start peace negotiations. Whatever is built on rubble can never be a true victory.”

(General Audience, 22 February 2023)

ukraine cathedral

Standing with Ukraine

Today marks one year since the Russian invasion of Ukraine.  At 11.00 am, we are invited to keep a moment of silence with the rest of the nation as a mark of solidarity with the suffering people of Ukraine.

God of peace and justice,
with sorrow and lament,
we hold the situation in Ukraine before you,
a year on from the Russian invasion.
We long for an end to the conflict and the bloodshed and suffering.
We remember people in Ukraine living in fear of death and destruction.
We pray for all who grieve lost lives and opportunities.
May those who have been displaced
find safety and welcome in their new communities.
We pray that those with authority and influence
will work for a just peace which provides security for all.
As we hold in our prayers all affected by the war,
we pray that they may know that they are held in your loving arms.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

(c) United Reformed Church

Vigil for Ukraine

This evening, there will be a Vigil beginning at 4.30 pm on the plaza of the Metropolitan Cathedral which will include speakers representing a range of faiths, followed by Evensong at the Anglican Cathedral at 5.30 pm concluding with a choir of Ukrainian singers and space to reflect and light candles (until 7.00 pm).  For full details, visit the Archdiocesan website:


Thursday 23 February 2023

Through Lent with Pope Francis

“Almsgiving, charity, will be a sign of our compassion toward those in need, and help us to return to others. Prayer will give voice to our profound desire to encounter the Father, and will bring us back to him. Fasting will be the spiritual training ground where we joyfully renounce the superfluous things that weigh us down, grow in interior freedom and return to the truth about ourselves.”

(Homily for Ash Wednesday, 22 February 2023)

Standing with Ukraine

Tomorrow, 24 February, marks one year since the Russian invasion of Ukraine.  At 11.00 am, we are invited to keep a moment of silence with the rest of the nation as a mark of solidarity with the suffering people of Ukraine.


Ash Wednesday, 22 February 2023

ash wednesday

Day of Fasting & Abstinence

Ashes will be blessed and distributed during Mass as follows:

11.00 am Mass at St Benedict’s
7.00 pm Mass at St Oswald’s

Mass sheet we will be using in church:   Ash Wednesday Mass Sheet 2023

Prayer sheet for use at home:   Ash Wednesday at Home 2023

(Don’t worry if you don’t have any ashes, it’s perfectly okay to use a little soil from the garden instead)


Tuesday 21 February 2023

always pray to have


Monday 20 February 2023

“God never leaves us on our own. God waits for us to ask Him to give us a hand. We need to learn how to distinguish God’s voice through silent prayer and intimate dialogue with Him, treasuring in our hearts that which does us good and gives us peace.”

Pope Francis on Twitter, 18 February 2023


7th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) – 19 February 2023


Mass sheet we will be using in church:    Mass Sheet (Sunday 7A)

Bidding Prayers:    Bidding Prayers (7A)

Reflection on the Readings:    prego-ota-7-2023


Prayer for Turkey & Syria

We pray for the people of Turkey and Syria,
whose lives have been devastated by the earthquake.
Be present, O Lord, our Good Shepherd,
to bring comfort, relief, shelter and human kindness.
Shield the people who suffer,
console those who are bereaved,
prosper the provision of relief,
strengthen the work of emergency teams,
and shine your light and hope
in the midst of despair.
We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.

(Prayer from the Diocese of Europe)



Confirmation Poster 2023


CAFOD’s Prayer for Ukraine

cathedral ukraine

Loving God,
We pray for the people of Ukraine,
for all those suffering or afraid,
that you will be close to them and protect them.

We pray for world leaders,
for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices.

We pray for the world
that in this moment of crisis,
we may reach out in solidarity
to our brothers and sisters in need.

May we walk in your ways
so that peace and justice
become a reality for the people of Ukraine
and for all the world.



Some Funnies

things mums said




bat flattery

God bless,
Fr Dave

Sixth Week in Ordinary Time

Wednesday 15 February 2023

This is one of my favourite prayers.  I came across it in a book about thirty years ago.  It was penned by an 8 year old boy who was undergoing treatment for cancer.

Lord help me to remember


Tuesday 14 February 2023

st francis of assisi


Monday 13 February 2023

Turkey, Syria & Ukraine

“Let us continue to stay close, with prayer and concrete support, to the earthquake victims in Syria and Turkey. And let us not forget tormented Ukraine: may the Lord open ways of peace and give those responsible the courage to follow them.”

(Pope Francis, Twitter, 12 February 2023)


6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) – 12 February 2023


Mass sheet we will be using in church:    Mass Sheet (Sunday 6A)

Bidding Prayers:    Bidding Prayers (Sunday 6A)

Reflection on the Readings:    prego-ota-6-2023-1


Prayer for Turkey & Syria

We pray for the people of Turkey and Syria,
whose lives have been devastated by the earthquake.
Be present, O Lord, our Good Shepherd,
to bring comfort, relief, shelter and human kindness.
Shield the people who suffer,
console those who are bereaved,
prosper the provision of relief,
strengthen the work of emergency teams,
and shine your light and hope
in the midst of despair.
We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.

(Prayer from the Diocese of Europe)



Confirmation Poster 2023


CAFOD’s Prayer for Ukraine

cathedral ukraine

Loving God,
We pray for the people of Ukraine,
for all those suffering or afraid,
that you will be close to them and protect them.

We pray for world leaders,
for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices.

We pray for the world
that in this moment of crisis,
we may reach out in solidarity
to our brothers and sisters in need.

May we walk in your ways
so that peace and justice
become a reality for the people of Ukraine
and for all the world.



Some Funnies

thora herd


she's a keeper


disneyland for cats


God bless,
Fr Dave

Fifth Week in Ordinary Time

Wednesday 8 February 2023


Today we keep the memory of St Josephine Bakhita.  She was born in Darfur in 1869.  At the age of nine, she was kidnapped and sold into slavery.  The trauma she experienced was such that she forgot her own name, so her kidnappers gave her the name ‘Bakhita’ meaning ‘fortunate’.  She eventually found freedom and peace in the religious life.  She is the patron saint of victims of modern slavery and human trafficking.

A Prayer for the End of Human Trafficking
As shared by the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth, Convent Station, New Jersey, USA

God of freedom, beauty and truth,
we believe that your deepest desire,
your most powerful energy,
is that all creation might know abundant life.

We raise our voices in anguished prayer
for our sisters and brothers,
women and girls, men and boys,
who are modern day slaves.
They are your beloved daughters and sons,
exploited sexually or forced to work
because of human violence and greed.

Fill us with your holy anger and your sacred passion
that those who are trafficked might know healing and justice;
that traffickers will come to repentance and conversion;
that all of us might live in such a way
that others are not made to pay the price
for our comfort and convenience.

Hasten the coming of the day when all people
and our precious Earth itself
will be treated, not as a commodity,
but as radiant images of your freedom, beauty and truth.
Amen. May it be so.


Tuesday 7 February 2023


National Marriage Week begins today.

The fundamental message of Marriage Week is that marriage is worth investing in, because all the research shows that stable families make for a happier society. It’s also really important to keep working on a marriage. Couples who do so are more likely to stay together.

In a complex world where the reality is that not all marriages last, on-going support is essential. Pope Francis in his Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, asks for greater effort on the part of the whole Christian community in welcoming and preparing those who ask to be married in Church. By saying ‘I do’ the couple begin a journey that calls for great courage, generosity and commitment. They need the welcome, and practical, relational and spiritual support of the community not only at the start, but throughout the seasons of married life, to help them live out their calling to a life-long, loving and fruitful commitment.


God our Father,
we pray in thanksgiving for the vocation to marriage
and for each couple that you join together in order to make a family.
We ask that every marriage brings each couple closer to you and closer to holiness.
We pray for those who are struggling in their marriage at present,
that they can make it through this tough time
and support each other in their differences.
We make this prayer through Christ, your Son, our Lord.

Marriage Support
Marriage Care
Teams of Our Lady
Marriage Encounter
Engaged Encounter
Two in One Flesh
Alliance of Catholic Marriage


Monday 6 February 2023

Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria

today, so many people are afraid.
They wait in fear of the next tremor.
They hear the cries of the injured amid the rubble.
They roam the streets in shock at what they see.
And they fill the dusty air with wails of grief
and the names of missing dead.

Comfort them, Lord, in this disaster.
Be their rock when the earth refuses to stand still,
and shelter them under your wings when homes no longer exist.
Embrace in your arms those who died so suddenly.
Console the hearts of those who mourn,
and ease the pain of bodies on the brink of death.

Pierce, too, our hearts with compassion, we who watch from afar.
Move us to act swiftly, to give generously,
and to pray unceasingly for those without hope.

And once the shaking has ceased,
the images of destruction have stopped filling the news,
and our thoughts return to life’s daily rumblings,
let us not forget that we are all your children and they,
our brothers and sisters.
We are all the work of your hands.

Through Christ our Lord.

Adapted from a prayer by Diana Macalintal.
© 2010 Diana Macalintal, Diocese of San Jose, CA.


5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) – 5 February 2023

Racial Justice Day

racial justice

Mass sheet we will be using in church:    Mass Sheet (Sunday 5A)

Bidding Prayers:    Bidding Prayers (5A)

Reflection on the Readings:    prego-ota-5-2023-1


Prayer for Racial Justice Day

God of our past, present and future,
who created each one of us
in your own image and likeness,
help us to recognise you in every person.
As we pray for end to the suffering caused by racism,
lead us to walk with one another,
pray with one another and work together,
so that we create a future based on justice and healing,
where all can fulfil the hope you have for all peoples.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Confirmation Poster 2023


cathedral ukraine

CAFOD’s Prayer for Ukraine

Loving God,
We pray for the people of Ukraine,
for all those suffering or afraid,
that you will be close to them and protect them.

We pray for world leaders,
for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices.

We pray for the world
that in this moment of crisis,
we may reach out in solidarity
to our brothers and sisters in need.

May we walk in your ways
so that peace and justice
become a reality for the people of Ukraine
and for all the world.



Some Funnies

bin floating


shepherds spy


artists without degrees

God bless,
Fr Dave