Twenty-Sixth Week in Ordinary Time

Thursday 29 September 2022

Teddy Bears Picnic

Pictures from last Sunday’s picnic courtesy of Gabrielle Atkinson

Cath on the gate…

cath on the gate

The bears are ready…

bears are ready

More bears…

bears 2


enjoying 2

The lady – together with her team – who made it all possible…



Wednesday 28 September 2022

Last week, Cardinal Vincent Nichols attended an audience with King Charles III.  He said: “In my personal conversation with the King, I assured him that the Catholic community had continued, during these days of mourning, in heartfelt prayer for his mother.  He expressed his gratitude for this. And then, turning back to me, he asked me to ensure that the Catholics of England and Wales knew of his thanks and gratitude for these prayers.”

Cardinal Vincent was asked to pass on this message from His Majesty to the people of our parishes:


‘My Lord Archbishop, Dean, Ladies and Gentlemen. I am very grateful to have had this opportunity to meet you all, so soon after my Accession, in what are inevitably the saddest of circumstances for me and my Family.

I have been touched by your kind words of condolence more than I can possibly say. They mean a great deal to me. I also wanted, before all of you today, to confirm my determination to carry out my responsibilities as Sovereign of all communities around this country and the Commonwealth and in a way which reflects the world in which we now live.

I am a committed Anglican Christian, and at my Coronation I will take an oath relating to the settlement of the Church of England. At my Accession, I have already solemnly given – as has every Sovereign over the last 300 years – an Oath which pledges to maintain and preserve the Protestant faith in Scotland. I have always thought of Britain as a ‘community of communities.’ That has led me to understand that the Sovereign has an additional duty – less formally recognized but to be no less diligently discharged. It is the duty to protect the diversity of our country, including by protecting the space for Faith itself and its practise through the religions, cultures, traditions and beliefs to which our hearts and minds direct us as individuals. This diversity is not just enshrined in the laws of our country, it is enjoined by my own faith. As a member of the Church of England, my Christian beliefs have love at their very heart.

By my most profound convictions, therefore – as well as by my position as Sovereign – I hold myself bound to respect those who follow other spiritual paths, as well as those who seek to live their lives in accordance with secular ideals. The beliefs that flourish in, and contribute to, our richly diverse society differ. They, and our society, can only thrive through a clear collective commitment to those vital principles of freedom of conscience, generosity of spirit and care for others which are, to me, the essence of our nationhood.

I am determined, as King, to preserve and promote those principles across all communities, and for all beliefs, with all my heart. This conviction was the foundation of everything my beloved mother did for our country, over her years as our Queen. It has been the foundation of my own work as Prince of Wales. It will continue to be the foundation of all my work as King.’


Tuesday 27 September 2022

From Psalm 139

O Lord, you search me and you know me,
you know my resting and my rising,
you discern my purpose from afar.

You mark when I walk or lie down,
all my ways lie open to you.
Before ever a word is on my tongue
you know it, Lord, through and through.

Behind and before you besiege me,
your hand ever laid upon me.
Too wonderful for me, this knowledge,
too high, beyond my reach.

O where can I go from your spirit,
or where can I flee from your face?
If I climb the heavens, you are there.
If I lie in the grave, you are there.

If I take the wings of the dawn
and dwell at the sea’s furthest end,
even there your hand would lead me,
your right hand would hold me fast.

If I say: “Let the darkness hide me
and the light around me be night,”
even darkness is not dark for you
and the night is as clear as the day.


Monday 26 September 2022

My soul longs for your presence, Lord.
When I turn my thoughts to you,
I find peace and contentment.



26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) – 25 September 2022

World Day for Migrants and Refugees


Mass Sheet we will be using in church:    Mass Sheet (26C)

Bidding Prayers:    Bidding Prayers (26C)

Reflection on the Readings:   prego-sunday-26-otc-2022


migrants and refugees 2022

Prayer for World Day for Migrants and Refugees

Lord, make us bearers of hope,
so that where there is darkness,
your light may shine,
and where there is discouragement,
confidence in the future may be reborn.

Lord, make us instruments of your justice,
so that where there is exclusion,
fraternity may flourish,
and where there is greed,
a spirit of sharing may grow.

Lord, make us builders of your Kingdom,
together with migrants and refugees
and with all who dwell on the peripheries.

Lord, let us learn how beautiful it is
to live together as brothers and sisters.

Pope Francis’ Message:

Pope Francis Message for Migrants & Refugees 2022


cathedral ukraine

CAFOD’s Prayer for Ukraine

Loving God,
We pray for the people of Ukraine,
for all those suffering or afraid,
that you will be close to them and protect them.

We pray for world leaders,
for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices.

We pray for the world
that in this moment of crisis,
we may reach out in solidarity
to our brothers and sisters in need.

May we walk in your ways
so that peace and justice
become a reality for the people of Ukraine
and for all the world.



Some Funnies

larry cat downing street


dead man walking


for this I drink that


God bless,
Fr Dave

Twenty-Fifth Week in Ordinary Time

Thursday 22 September 2022

Covid-19 Update

Yesterday, President Biden said that the pandemic is over.  Unfortunately, the data says otherwise.  Rates of infection are on the rise again.  I recommend this simple update from Professor Tim Spector, a British epidemiologist at King’s College, London:

Tim gets COVID booster as rates surge – YouTube


Tuesday 20 September 2022

migrants and refugees 2022

World Day for Migrants and Refugees

Next Sunday is World Day for Migrants and Refugees.  The Church has marked this day since 1914.  It’s an occasion to renew our awareness of the plight of so many vulnerable people across the world who need our help and support.

Pope Francis has written a message for the day entitled, “Building the Future with Migrants and Refugees”.  You can read his message here:

Pope Francis Message for Migrants & Refugees 2022

The Vatican has a dedicated section for Migrants and Refugees.  It is directed personally by Pope Francis and aims to help the Church, and others, to accompany those forced to flee and make sure they are not shut out or left behind.

Migrants and Refugees Section (


Monday 19 September 2022

Queen Elizabeth II 1926 - 2022

State Funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Order of Service (Westminster Abbey)

State Funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II – Order of Service

Committal (St George’s Chapel, Windsor)

Committal of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II


25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) – 18 September 2022


Mass Sheet we will be using in church:    Mass Sheet (25C)

Bidding Prayers:    Bidding Prayers (25C)

Reflection on the Readings:   prego-sunday-25-otc-2022


National Period of Mourning

Queen Elizabeth II 1926 - 2022

In preparation for tomorrow’s Funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the nation is invited to keep silence this evening at 8.00 pm.

A spokesperson for Prime Minister Liz Truss said:  “At 8.00 pm on Sunday 18 September, the night before the state funeral, there will be a one-minute silence where the public are invited to come together and observe a national moment of reflection to mourn and reflect on the life and legacy of Queen Elizabeth II.

“The silence can be marked privately at home on your own or with friends and neighbours, out on your doorstep or street with neighbours, or at any locally arranged community events and vigils.”

You may like to use the following prayers:

Prayer for Queen Elizabeth

Gracious God, we give thanks
for the life of your servant Queen Elizabeth,
for her faith and her dedication to duty.
Bless our nation as we mourn her death
and may her example continue to inspire us.
Through Christ our Lord.

(From the Church of England)

Prayer for the King

Lord God,
you provide for your people by your power,
and rule over them in love.
Grant to your servant our King, Charles III,
the Spirit of wisdom and discernment,
that being devoted to you with his whole heart,
he may so wisely govern,
that in his time we may live in safety and in peace.
Through Christ our Lord.

(Adapted from the Coronation Service 1953)

cathedral ukraine

CAFOD’s Prayer for Ukraine

Loving God,
We pray for the people of Ukraine,
for all those suffering or afraid,
that you will be close to them and protect them.

We pray for world leaders,
for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices.

We pray for the world
that in this moment of crisis,
we may reach out in solidarity
to our brothers and sisters in need.

May we walk in your ways
so that peace and justice
become a reality for the people of Ukraine
and for all the world.


Twenty-Fourth Week in Ordinary Time

Friday 16 September 2022

st bernadette relic tour

The Relics of St Bernadette at the Cathedral

3.30 pm Service of Welcome
5.00 pm Mass
7.30 pm Torchlight Procession
10.00 pm Cathedral closes

8.00 am Cathedral opens
9.00 am Mass
10.00 am Mass (Crypt Chapel)
11.00 am Solemn Mass
3.00 pm Mass with the Anointing of the Sick
7.00 pm Mass
9.00 pm Cathedral closes

7.00 am Cathedral opens
7.30 am Morning Prayer
8.00 am Mass
Confessions: 10.00-12.00, 2.00-4.00, 5.00-6.30 pm
7.00 pm Closing Mass followed by Rosary and Night Prayer
10.00 pm Cathedral closes


Thursday 15 September 2022

st bernadette relic tour

Where to visit the Relics of St Bernadette

15 – 17 September

St Mary’s RC Church, Mount Pleasant, Chorley, Lancashire PR7 2SR
Relics arrive at 8.30 pm on today and depart on Saturday at 10.00 am

17 September

Liverpool Anglican Cathedral, St James’ Mount, Liverpool L1 7AZ
Relics arrive at 11.00 am and depart at 2.30 pm

17 – 20 September

Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool L3 5TQ
Relics arrive at 3.30 pm on Saturday and depart on Tuesday at 7.00 am


Wednesday 14 September 2022

st bernadette relic tour

Visit to the Relics of St Bernadette

Although the Queen’s Funeral will be taking place on the same day as the visit of the Relics of St Bernadette, the Cathedral will be open next Monday for people to visit the relics.  However, the 12.15 pm Mass has been cancelled.

Understandably, many parishioners want to watch the Funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth.  Having phoned around, there are still enough parishioners for one coach to go to the Cathedral on Monday.

The coach will leave St Oswald’s at 11.00 am, St Benedict’s at 11.10 am and St Alban’s at 11.20 am.  It’s difficult to know what time the coach will return because we don’t know how many other people will be visiting the Cathedral at the same time.  However, we’ve advised the coach firm that we would expect to leave the Cathedral between 1.00 – 1.30 pm.


Tuesday 13 September 2022

Queen Elizabeth II 1926 - 2022

National Period of Mourning

Later this afternoon, Queen Elizabeth will leave St Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh and travel to Buckingham Palace in London.  Tomorrow, she will leave Buckingham Palace and travel to Westminster Hall where she will lie in state until the day of her funeral next Monday.

Requiem Mass for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Archbishop Malcolm will preside at a Requiem Mass for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in the Cathedral today (Tuesday) at 7.00 pm.  All are welcome.

The Cathedral has opened a Book of Condolence which visitors can access daily between 7.30 am – 6.00 pm.

Prayer for the Royal Family

Almighty God, source of all consolation,
we pray for the members of the Royal Family
who mourn the loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth.
Uphold them in your love and pour out on them
the consolation of your healing Spirit.
Let them find in your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,
comfort in their sadness,
certainty in their doubt
and courage to live through this hour.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Monday 12 September 2022

Queen Elizabeth II 1926 - 2022

National Period of Mourning

Today, there will be a Service of Thanksgiving for the Life of Her Majesty the Queen at St Giles’ Cathedral, Edinburgh, at 3.00 pm.  The service will be broadcast live.

Order of Service:    St Giles Cathedral Order of Service

A Requiem Mass for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Archbishop Malcolm will preside at a Requiem Mass for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in the Cathedral tomorrow, Tuesday 13 September, at 7.00 pm.  All are welcome.

The Cathedral has opened a Book of Condolence which visitors can access daily between 7.30 am – 6.00 pm.

Prayers:    HM-The-Queen-Prayers


24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) – 11 September 2022

Queen Elizabeth II 1926 - 2022

Image used with permission of Churches Together in the Merseyside Region


This weekend, we will celebrate Masses of Requiem for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Mass Sheet we will be using in church:    Mass Sheet (24C)

Prayers:    HM-The-Queen-Prayers



churches together in england logo

Statement from Churches Together in England

It is with deep sadness that Churches Together in England receives the news of the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II at home in Balmoral. Churches Together in England unites 52 Church denominations in England including Anglican, Catholic, Free Church, Pentecostal, Charismatic and Orthodox traditions. Our Member Churches unite in offering deepest condolences and prayers for HRH the Prince of Wales and the whole Royal Family at this time.

HM Queen Elizabeth has reigned happy and glorious for over 70 years. As monarch she has often spoken about her Christian faith and how it has strengthened her and been a guide and source of hope during her entire reign. During her reign she has invited fifteen Prime Ministers to form governments in the United Kingdom. She has seen the highs and the lows of the nation’s history over these past decades. She has been a steadfast presence in the midst of the changing sands of time. Churches Together in England’s Member Churches are grateful for her reign and the value she has placed on the role of all of the Churches in the fabric of our nation and the nations of the Commonwealth.

We join with the people of our nation in mourning her loss and pray for those involved in making preparations for the funeral. We pray comfort and strength for the whole nation at this time as we join together to mourn the passing of Her Majesty the Queen and reflect on her life well lived.



Statement from Archbishop Malcom McMahon OP

I am deeply saddened to hear the news about the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. I pray for the repose of her soul and for all the members of the Royal Family at this time of sorrow.

On 21 April 1947, her 21st birthday, in a speech broadcast on the radio from Cape Town, the then Princess Elizabeth dedicated her life to the service of the Commonwealth saying, “I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong”.

Today we give thanks for that lifetime of service to our country and for her leadership of the Church of England during her 70-year reign. The celebrations we witnessed earlier this year for her Platinum Jubilee show how much respect and love people had for her.

She will be remembered for her dedication, strength, warmth and her pride in our country.

May this good and faithful servant rest in the peace of the Risen Lord.


Prayer for the King

Lord God,
you provide for your people by your power,
and rule over them in love.
Grant to your servant our King, Charles III,
the Spirit of wisdom and discernment,
that being devoted to you with his whole heart,
he may so wisely govern,
that in his time we may live in safety and in peace.
Through Christ our Lord.

(Adapted from the Coronation Service 1953)


cathedral ukraine

CAFOD’s Prayer for Ukraine

Loving God,
We pray for the people of Ukraine,
for all those suffering or afraid,
that you will be close to them and protect them.

We pray for world leaders,
for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices.

We pray for the world
that in this moment of crisis,
we may reach out in solidarity
to our brothers and sisters in need.

May we walk in your ways
so that peace and justice
become a reality for the people of Ukraine
and for all the world.



God bless you,
Fr Dave



Twenty-Third Week in Ordinary Time

Friday 9 September 2022

Queen Elizabeth II leaves after attending the opening ceremony of the sixth session of the Senedd in Cardiff. Picture date: Thursday October 14, 2021.

Jacob King/PA Wire/PA Images.

Masses for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

A Requiem Mass will be held at the St Margaret Clitherow Centre, Croxeth Drive, today at 9.30 am – all are welcome to attend.

There will be Mass for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in St Benedict’s at 11.00 am today.

This weekend’s Masses will also be special Masses for the Queen.


Thursday 8 September 2022

The Most Reverend Malcolm McMahon OP, Archbishop of Liverpool, has issued the following statement on the death of Queen Elizabeth.

“I am deeply saddened to hear the news about the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. I pray for the repose of her soul and for all the members of the Royal Family at this time of sorrow.

On 21 April 1947, her 21st birthday, in a speech broadcast on the radio from Cape Town, the then Princess Elizabeth dedicated her life to the service of the Commonwealth saying, “I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong”.

Today we give thanks for that lifetime of service to our country and for her leadership of the Church of England during her 70-year reign. The celebrations we witnessed earlier this year for her Platinum Jubilee show how much respect and love people had for her.

She will be remembered for her dedication, strength, warmth and her pride in our country.

May this good and faithful servant rest in the peace of the Risen Lord.”

A Requiem Mass will be held at the St Margaret Clitherow Centre, Croxeth Drive, tomorrow morning at 9.30 am – all are welcome to attend.

Queen Elizabeth

Queen Elizabeth II has died

Earlier this evening, Buckingham Palace announced the death of Her Majesty the Queen.

O God,
to whom mercy and forgiveness belong,
hear our prayers on behalf of your servant Elizabeth,
whom you have called out of this world;
and because she put her hope and trust in you,
command that she be carried safely home to heaven
and come to enjoy your eternal reward.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

(From the Order of Christian Funerals)

We will offer Mass for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II tomorrow, Friday, at 11.00 am and over the weekend at the usual Mass times.

Prayers for the Queen

In a statement at lunchtime, Buckingham Palace announced:  “Following further evaluation this morning, the Queen’s doctors are concerned for Her Majesty’s health and have recommended she remain under medical supervision. The Queen remains comfortable and at Balmoral.”

In response, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend Justin Welby, said:  “My prayers, and the prayers of people across the Church of England and the nation, are with Her Majesty the Queen today.  May God’s presence strengthen and comfort Her Majesty, her family, and those who are caring for her at Balmoral.”

On today’s Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady, let us pray for the Queen by offering a ‘Hail Mary’ for Her Majesty.


Wednesday 7 September 2022

As we come to the end of the first week of the Season of Creation, enjoy this three-minute video entitled ‘Brother River Meditation’:

Season of Creation 2022: Brother River Meditation – YouTube


Tuesday 6 September 2022


Image (c) CBCEW

Cardinal congratulates new Prime Minister and addresses Cost of Living Crisis

In a statement marking the announcement of a new Prime Minister, Cardinal Vincent Nichols assures PM Liz Truss of his prayerful support and stresses that the needs of the poorest in society must be given urgent attention.

As President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, I offer my congratulations to Liz Truss on her election as leader of the Conservative Party and her consequent appointment as Prime Minister. I wish to assure the Prime Minister of my prayerful support.

Her appointment comes at a time when many crises have to be faced, at home and across the world. Prominent among them is the crisis in the cost of living.

Catholics are present in every local community, seeking to contribute constantly to the support of those in need. So we are well aware of the dramatic impact this crisis is having, with many people knowing they face choices between ‘heating or eating’, especially as winter approaches. The affluence to which our society has become accustomed seems to be seeping away.

I, and my fellow bishops, recognise the complexity of the causes, both short and long-term, that bring about the crisis now affecting so many. There are many Catholics in public life and in the charitable sector who are engaging in trying to produce long-term solutions to these political and economic challenges.

Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching indicates key principles which help to fashion just solutions to urgent and dire need.

The principle of serving the common good means that the needs of the poorest in society must be given urgent attention. The time for giving priority to factional interests has passed. Today our focus should be on the elderly, families who have the care of children, and all those least able to absorb the huge increases in the cost of living that we face. This means giving immediate attention to issues such as the level of welfare benefits and the impact of the two-child cap on universal credit payments, among other possible actions. Businesses too, especially small businesses, are facing acute challenges and will need help to survive. Their support for employment and family income is crucial.

Similarly, the principle of subsidiarity can be applied to our centralised system of welfare and public services to make delivery more effective and more efficient. This principle, long part of the social teaching of the Catholic Church, seeks “the active participation of private individuals and civil society” through which “it is actually possible to improve social services and welfare programmes, and at the same time save resources” (Pope Benedict XVI, Caritas in Veritate 60).

Parishes and Charities

The work of our local parishes, and of Catholic charitable agencies, is based on the firm conviction of the inherent dignity of every person. No one is to be cast aside or ‘discounted’. I am confident that throughout this crisis, the Catholic community will do all we can to act on this conviction and promote this principle.

I know that parishes will continue to do everything possible, including innovative ways of providing further material help and pastoral support. I also urge all Catholics to give whatever time and financial resources they can to charitable endeavours that support those who are affected by the current crisis. The work of Catholic schools, that have long been supportive of, and responsive to, children whose parents might be struggling financially or in other ways, is to be strongly applauded and encouraged.

The spiritual needs of the poor and their special gifts should never be forgotten. As Pope Francis wrote:

“The great majority of the poor have a special openness to the faith; they need God and we must not fail to offer them his friendship, his blessing, his word, the celebration of the sacraments and a journey of growth and maturity in the faith” (Evangelii Gaudium – The Joy of the Gospel – 200).

I trust that our parish communities will always be open to those suffering from hardship and in particular need of companionship and spiritual support at this time. They can help us to understand the humility we must have before God.

Finally, I ask that we all offer our prayers for those who are suffering from the cost-of-living crisis. I pray that all in our society will work together to find ways, both short and long term, to alleviate this crisis which threatens the well-being of so many people.

St. Thomas More, pray for all who serve in political and public life.

St. Bernadette, pray for the poor.

Cardinal Vincent Nichols
President, Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales


Monday 5 September 2022

Cost of Living Crisis

The Bishops’ Conference Department for Social Justice have produced a briefing paper on the cost-of-living crisis.  The briefing looks at the current context and invites a response based on the key principles of Catholic Social Teaching.

Briefing Paper Cost of Living Crisis


23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) – 4 September 2022


Mass Sheet we will be using in church:    Mass Sheet (23C)

Bidding Prayers:    Bidding Prayers (23C)

Reflection on the Readings:   prego-sunday-23-otc-2022


CAFOD’s Prayer for Ukraine

Loving God,
We pray for the people of Ukraine,
for all those suffering or afraid,
that you will be close to them and protect them.

We pray for world leaders,
for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices.

We pray for the world
that in this moment of crisis,
we may reach out in solidarity
to our brothers and sisters in need.

May we walk in your ways
so that peace and justice
become a reality for the people of Ukraine
and for all the world.



Some Funnies







God bless,
Fr Dave