This Week 6 - 13 October 2024

St Benedict'sSt Oswald's
Sunday 6 October
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Rosary Sunday
10.30 am Mass
(Sick Animals)

2.00 pm Blessing of Animals
(Sat) 4.30 pm Vigil Mass
(Pauline Heywood)

Confessions after Mass

8.30 am Mass
(The Parishioners)

10.30 am Service at Ryfields Village
Monday 7 October
Our Lady of the Rosary
Day of Prayer for Peace
St Benedict's will be open 12.00 noon - 2.00 pm
Tuesday 8 October
11.00 am Mass
(Nadine Davies)

2.15 pm Service with Reception Class
Wednesday 9 October
Feast of St John Henry Newman
10.15 am Exposition & Confessions

11.00 am Mass
(Canon John Short)
Mass at Cardinal Newman High School
Thursday 10 October11.00 am Mass
(Stanislaw & Genowefa Matkowski)

7.00 pm Novena & Benediction
Friday 11 October
St John XXIII, Pope
11.00 am Mass
(Private Intention - LISC)
Saturday 12 October4.30 pm Vigil Mass
(Agnes O'Connor, Laurence O'Connor,
Margaret Lowmax)

Confessions after Mass
Sunday 13 October
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Day of Prayer for Prisoners and their Families
10.30 am Mass
(Joan Howl)
8.30 am Mass
(The Parishioners)

10.30 am Service at Ryfields Village